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2009-12-02 18:50:33|  分类: 绝句 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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风入银川雪入秦,   T’ howling wind has swept Yinchuan in Qin area with snow

琼装千顷倚青云.   The expanse of land in white extends under clouds in the sky

玉枝情断相思梦,   Jade-like whips broken as the dream of love gone with a sigh

化作痴仙唱晓昏.   Turning into a spoony spirit to chant early and late as though



秋雨秋风入酒哀, All the autumn wind and rain loaded in my cup

千樽难遣旧情怀。 Can not wipe out my lasting sorrow for the past

为图深醉怜佳影, Drunk in depth I tend to have her figure pop up

笑靥朦胧进眼来。 Her sweet dimples come to haunt my mind last



月夜江天半醉归,I return half drunk with the moon over the river in the sky

枝随风动鸟声微。Whips answer breeze to sway and the bird sound is so shy

谁家帘幕轻开处,In whose house for a while lifted is the curtain of window

灯影摇红小扇挥。The little red fan is being waved in the faint lamp shadow



梧桐摇恨水凝愁,The Chinese parasol tree waves hatred and water crystallizes sorrow

枯草连天掩旧楼。The withered grass extending to the horizon covers the olden tower

一曲阳春弦又断,Chords are broken when Music of Spring is being played on the flow

瑶琴不解玉人忧。The peptachord does not understand the fair lady’ heart in the bower




红颜空对镜花愁,The beauty worries about the flowers seen in the mirror

廊影秋千旧梦幽。The swing in the shade of tower brings a repeated dream

雨后残英吹又散,After shower blown away is the falling flower in terror

还添新恨锁眉头。Added to her knitted brows a new grudge comes agleam



欲寄相思叶, A leaf is going to be sent with lovesickness

嫣红尚待时。 But the maple not show any bright redness

托言南去雁, I trust wild geese who are flying southward

报与汝先知。 To let you know my heart first with a word



低檐旧瓦日西斜,The sunset in the west sees the low eaves and old tile

故院无人满落花。The auld yard spreads petals away with none to while

寂寞秋千无蝶影,No butterflies bustle about the swing appears so lone

珠帘半卷对残霞。The pearl curtain half rolled to remaining clouds alone



听雪东门外 I give ear to snow’s whisper at the east gate

寒梅伴路芳 The cold plum flowers are all along the way

东风应不远 The east wind should not be so distant away

早送燕泥香 To bring the swallow’s mud at an early date


东门听雪罢,After listening to the snow at the east gate

余韵入醅香。The aftertaste melts into my cup so mellow

无瑟箸当乐,without music I use my chopsticks to play

云收月倚窗。Clouds vanish while the moon on window



姚江默默水悠悠,The Yaojiang River is silent and waves flow

揉进秋山几段愁。Loaded with much the autumn hill’s sorrow

空有乡思千万缕  The endless nostalgia I have is found in vain

碧波怎载此中忧。The water fails to carry away my cares’ train



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